
Architecture study for 77 and 7 apartments
University: KU Leuven, Campus Sint-Lucas, Brussels
Studio: Design studio Opo 55
Professor: Eugeen Libaut

The assignment was to design 77 apartments plus an additional 7, with different typologies, along a ‘Linear City’. In this project I propose an apartment tower that is lifted on columns, so that a market and other public activities can take place under and around the building. A public square is provided as well, ‘embraced’ by the tower that bends around it.

By playing with different columns types, apartments with different typologies are provided along with open spaces and inner balconies between neighbours. These spaces provide extra light and viewpoints within the building, and can be used in a shared way. There are different spaces provided for different seasons, ranging from summer balconies outdoors and winter terraces behind glass. Different models are created to study the column structure (1:20) and the constellation of apartments within the high- and low-rise (1:200).